I - Enrichment program to build strong math foundation for children. II - Author adopts a new scientific method in teaching math, in development since 2017. III - Fun method to help children love and enjoy math as a language of logic and science . IV- School grade levels Preschool to - Elementary.
ARZI Math Scientific Teaching Method (KLS)

Phase 1
Knowledge. Introduction math concepts.
Phase 2
Logic and Skill. Solving problems. Worksheets.
Phase 3
Answers. The missing link. Link connecting knowledge,logic, skill in the brain to find the correct answers.
ARZI Math activity books in series numbered as :


Grade 1-2

Grade 2-3

Grade 4-5

About ARZI
Children Math activity books From inception to birth

- ARZI is the image of a beautiful cedar tree. Well known for its' strength and longevity. It is the Brand (image and name) for all products and services by author and publisher Nabila Salame.
- ARZI is certified as a small woman-owned business “SWAM”. Once the author realized the
need to support early childhood math development, ARZI Brand was born.
- The author introduces a new scientific approach KLS method combining
knowledge , logic and skills altogether to solve problems.
- Certificate of Achievement (COA) in each book. Certificate of Excellence
(COE) at the Completion of the course ( 20 workbooks).
- Translation to Spanish, French, German will be available in future
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